ETH Zurich
ARCS'07: Architecture of Computing Systems
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland
March 12-15, 2007
   ARCS 2007

Conference Program

The conference starts on March 12 with Tutorials (A Run-Time Reconfigurable FPGA-based Computer for Partially Reconfigurable Applications, Optimizing Hardware Function Evaluation). The tutorials take place at the ETZ building in room ETZ F76.2 (directions).

March 13-14 there is the regular Conference Program with 4 keynote talks (Giovanni De Micheli, Jan Bosch, Alan Southall, and Hartmut Schmeck). The conference take place at the ETH main building in room HG D7.1 (directions).

The conference banquet will take place on Tuesday, March 13 on 19:00 at restaurant "Haus zum Rüden (" directions).

On March 15, two Workshops will take place (Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems, Verlässlichkeit und Fehlertoleranz). The workshops take place at the ETZ building in room ETZ E6 and E8 respectively (directions).

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline:1st October 2006
Paper submission deadline (extended):1st October 2006 8th October 2006
Proposals for workshops and tutorials:1st October 2006
Notification of acceptance:15th December 2006
Camera ready papers:15th January 2007 31st December 2006

ARCS 2007 will cover a broad range of research topics related to basic technology, architecture, and application of computing systems. Organic Computing (Autonomic or Proactive Computing) may help to manage the increasing complexity of computing systems. ARCS 2007 is intended for researchers, R&D engineers, and practitioners. The key topics of this conference are:

Emergent Behaviour of Computing Systems

Techniques for self-monitoring, self-healing, self-organizing, self-protecting etc, systems, measurement of emergent properties, context- and location-aware computing, sensor networks, middleware services, distributed agents, specific self-managing components, ...

Network Computing

Peer-to-Peer computing, network management, trust and reputation, middleware services, grid computing, agents for resource management, queuing systems, network security, ...

Pervasive, Ubiquitous, Nomadic, Mobile, and Wireless Computing

Standards and protocols, personal devices computing, security and authentication, ...

Operating Systems

Novel kernel-level mechanisms, internet-awareness, real-time and embedded control, active network operating systems, security management, standards for sensor- and actuator-interfaces, ...

Dependable Computing

Techniques for high dependability in complex systems, survivability, self-stabilization and sensor networks, system management techniques for assurance, recovery-oriented computing, ...

Computer Architecture

Adaptable and application specific computer architecture, high performance processors, embedded processors, compilers, reconfigurable computing, hardware/software codesign, ...

Power Awareness

Architecture aspects, scheduling, ...


The proceedings of ARCS 2007 will be published in the Springer LNCS series. The best paper and the best presentation will be awarded a prize. Authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to complement their oral presentation by an additional poster (not mandatory). Selected papers will be published in special issues of the Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA) and the Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal (PUC).

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